Ozg Payment Gateway
Integration Fee
Card Payment Gateways have multiplied in the last couple of years providing
e-commerce website owners a range of rates, fees and options to choose from.
providers have an upfront component on signup which might include a deposit
amount and a percentage per each transaction cost.
Some gateways like Paypal don’t charge any upfront cost and their percentage is also low but they do charge an amount for withdrawal of money.
you go for a higher upfront payment and lower percentage or a
lower upfront payment and higher percentage?
If your transaction volume is going to be very high then a lower percentage might save you a lot of money in the long term although upfront payment would be higher.
Note: The most of PG companies listed below are the
business partner of Ozg Merchant Service Co. You may order their services
through Ozg.
Gateway Team
Ozg Merchant Service
Ozg Center | New York | Delhi
| London | Mumbai
Global Back Office #
Email: ask@paymentgatewayconsultant.com
Website: www.paymentgatewayconsultant.com
1. Anacom, Anacom Merchant Services
payment gateway, United States
2. Banco
Comercial Portugues payment gateway, Banco Comercial Portugues, Portugal
3. Bank Merchant POS (BMP) payment
gateway, Bank of China, China
4. Beanstream payment gateway, Beanstream
Internet Commerce, Inc., Canada
5. Bibit, Bibit Internet Payments payment
gateway, Netherlands
6. Biz*Star PX payment gateway, Shanghai
Shared Data Network Co. Ltd (SSDN), Singapore
7. Business Gateway Service payment
gateway, WorldCom, Japan
8. Buy-Line, Bank of New Zealand payment
gateway, New
9. CAFIS payment gateway, NTT Data Corp., Japan
10. Cambist payment gateway, Cambist Merchant
Solutions, United
11. Camtech payment gateway, Camtech Corp., Australia
12. CCNow payment gateway, CCNow, Inc., United States
13. Chinatrust payment gateway, Chinatrust
Commercial Bank (CTCB), Taiwan, Province of China
14. CIBC payment gateway, Canadian Imperial
Bank of Commerce, Canada
15. CIPAS Indonesia payment gateway, PT.
CIPAS Indonesia, Indonesia
16. CitiBank India payment gateway, CitiBank India, India
17. ClearCommerce payment gateway, ClearCommerce
Corp., United
18. ClickBank payment gateway, Keynetics
Inc., United
19. ClickPay payment gateway, Professo, LLC, United States
20. CMB payment gateway, China Merchants
Bank, China
21. Comtrust payment gateway, Comtrust, United
Arab Emirates
22. CyberCash payment gateway, VeriSign
Payment Services, United States
23. CyberSource payment gateway, CyberSource
Corp., United
24. DataCash payment gateway, DataCash Ltd., United Kingdom
25. DirectLink payment gateway, Plug 'n Pay
Technologies, Inc., United States
26. DnB payment gateway, DnB - Den norske Bank, Norway
27. e4Sure payment gateway, e4asia Inc., Thailand
28. EBS payment gateway, Electronic Billing
Systems AG, Germany
29. Ecgate payment gateway, Ecnet, South
AfricaE-Commerce Africa
30. ECHOnline payment gateway, Electronic
Clearing House, Inc
Gateway Team
Ozg Merchant Service Consultant
Ozg Center | New York | Delhi
| London | Mumbai
Global Back Office #
Email: ask@paymentgatewayconsultant.com
Website: www.paymentgatewayconsultant.com
31. E-Commerce Africa payment gateway, Netherlands
32. eops payment gateway, eops AG, Germany
33. ePagos payment gateway, ePagos Merchant Services,
34. E-Payment payment gateway, Interactive
Worldwide Limited, Australia
35. ePDQ payment gateway, Barclaycard
Merchant Services, United Kingdom
36. eSec Payment Service payment gateway,
eSec Ltd., Australia
37. eStores payment gateway, Bank of America,
38. EuroDebit payment gateway, Moreband Corp.
NV, Netherlands Antilles
39. FirstEcom payment gateway, First Ecom,
40. GestPay payment gateway, Banca Sella S.p.A., Italy
41. I.N.G payment gateway, Internet Networking
Group, Netherlands
42. IntelliPaypayment gateway , IntelliPay
Inc., United
43. IPGS payment gateway, Visa, United
44. iVeri payment gateway, eCompany Ltd., South Africa
45. JustGiving.com payment gateway, Justgiving, United Kingdom
46. Ka-Chingg and TPG payment gateway,
iPayment Technologies, United States
47. Kagi payment gateway, United States
48. LinkPoint payment gateway, CardService
International, United States
49. LiveProcessor payment gateway,
Paymentplus, Inc., United States
50. MultiCards.com payment gateway, De Postel BV, Netherlands
51. NetBanx payment gateway, NetBanx Ltd., United Kingdom
52. OrderButton.Net payment gateway, Inc., United States
53. Pago PAY payment gateway, Pago
eTransaction Services GmbH, Germany
54. PAY@db payment gateway, Deutsche Bank, Germany
55. PayCash.ru payment gateway, Alkor Group
of Companies, Russian Federation
56. PayControl payment gateway, Netcetera AG,
57. PayFlow payment gateway, VeriSign Payment
Services, United
58. Paymentservice payment gateway, Paymentservice.at, Austria
59. PayWare payment gateway, Trintech Group
plc, Ireland
60. PayWay payment gateway, Nobil IT
Corporation, Canada
Gateway Team
Ozg Merchant Service Consultant
Ozg Center | New York | Delhi
| London | Mumbai
Global Back Office #
Email: ask@paymentgatewayconsultant.com
Website: www.paymentgatewayconsultant.com
61. PlanetPayment payment gateway, Planet
Group Inc., United States
62. QPAY and QTILL payment gateway, QENTA
paymentsolutions GmbH, Austria
63. QSI Client Class payment gateway, QSI
Payments, Australia
64. Secure-e-pay payment gateway, Global
Tele-Systems Ltd., India
65. SecurePay payment gateway, SecurePay Pty
Ltd., Australia
66. SecureTrading payment gateway, SecureTrading, United Kingdom
67. Setcom payment gateway, Setcom (Pty)
Ltd., South
68. SIPS payment gateway, Siam Commercial
Bank PCL., Thailand
69. Solo e-payment payment gateway, Solo
Market/Merita Bank Plc, Finland
70. Speedpay payment gateway, E Commerce
Group, United
71. SurePay payment gateway, SurePay LP, United States
72. Telecharge Canada payment gateway,
TeleCharge Canada, Canada
73. Telecommerce payment gateway, France
Telecom, France
74. Thirt.com payment gateway, South Africa
75. TOPGate payment gateway, Shanghai
Bankcard Network Services Corp., China
76. VIP payment gateway, Virbus AG, Germany
77. WebCollect payment gateway, GlobalCollect, Netherlands
78. Webmoney.ru payment gateway, WebMoney Transfer, Russian Federation
79. Webpay payment gateway, Transbank, Chile
80. Google 2checkout
81. Authorize.net
82. Banca Sella Gestpay
83. Beanstream
84. bluepay
85. ChecksByNet
86. ChronoPay
87. Concord EFS
88. CyberBit
89. CyberSource
90. Echo
Gateway Team
Ozg Merchant Service Consultant
Ozg Center | New York | Delhi
| London | Mumbai
Global Back Office #
Email: ask@paymentgatewayconsultant.com
Website: www.paymentgatewayconsultant.com
91. ETS
92. eWay
93. fastcharge
94. FastTransact
95. gomerchant
96. Google Checkout
97. HDFC
98. HSBC
99. ibill
100. ICICI
101. Internet Secure
102. iTransact
103. linkpoint
104. Moneris eSelect Plus
105. moneybookers
106. NetBilling
107. Ogone Payment Services
108. Paradata
109. Pay Junction
110. paymenow
111. Payment Express (DPS)
112. Paypal
113. ProtX
114. PSI Gate
115. Sage Payment Solutions
116. SkipJack
117. stormpay
118. Total Web Solutions
119. Trine Commerce Systems
120. Triple Deal
121. Trust Commerce
122. USAePay
123. verisign
124. Virtual Merchant (NOVA)
125. WorldPay
Gateway Team
Ozg Merchant Service Consultant
Ozg Center | New York | Delhi
| London | Mumbai
Global Back Office #
Email: ask@paymentgatewayconsultant.com
Website: www.paymentgatewayconsultant.com